ArchFilmLund Prize 2024

 goes to

Skin of glass

by Denise Zmekhol

For a movie that reveals how intertwined  the intimacy of every architectural project can be with the fates of the world.

Trying to find the man that stands behind the building, the director's sensitive approach finds the inhabitants, who are surviving in a ruin of a nation’s broken dreams.

Following Denise Zmekhol in her childhood memories, we find ourselves in the middle of a country’s quest to invent a new future, a new life full of joy and optimism, where architecture was both the message and the messenger but was forced into failure.

The harsh destiny of this building as well as the human tragedies that occured, are heartbreaking and remind us architects that we always build for future generations without knowing what the future holds.

Thank you Denise for a film that reminds us of both the significance and the fragility of every architectural project.

ArchFilmLund is proud to give the ArchFilmLund Prize 2024 to Denise Zmekhol for her film Skin of glass (Pelle de vidro in portuguese).

See the whole crew, cast, and credits here.

ArchFilmLund Prize 2023

 goes to

Soviet Bus Stops

by Kristoffer Hegnsvad

For chasing the humble traces left by free spirits living in a harsh and heavily controlled society, for giving to these acts of poetry and resistance the recognition that they deserve, and for reminding us that every society has its form of alienation or diktats which it is the role of the artist to challenge.

When building these bus stops the local souls found a place to express their own fantasy and show them proudly to the rest of the society, that’s in itself  a kind of manifest about what living together could, or should, be about: exchanging fantasies.

Beautiful photography, humor, warm human encounters and a soundtrack to travel in time and geography makes it a wonderful journey.

ArchFilmLund is proud to give the ArchFilmLund Prize 2023 to Kristoffer Hegnsvad for his film Soviet Bus Stops.

See the whole crew, cast, and credits here.

ArchFilmLund Prize 2022

 goes to

"Mr Funkis"

by Anders Wahlgren

To a movie about an architect, Sven Markelius, who as had an enormous influence on the transformations that Swedish cities have gone through the second half of the 19th hundreds.

This architect has not always got the same recognition as other famous Swedish architects, although he always fought with braveness and high ambition to give all the people the possibilities to live in  best possible environment.

This movie takes up all the deep questions that Anders Wahlgren have investigated under his life as a documentary filmmaker and weaves them together into a portrait of both an architect’s work and a country under huge transformations.

AW has dedicated his life and work to study and document the evolution of  Swedish cities with huge knowledge, commitment and communicative pleasure.

We are proud to meet Anders Wahlgren and give him the Arfilmlund’s prize 2022.

ArchFilmLund Prize 2021

 goes to

"A machine to live in"

by Meredith Zielke & Yoni Goldstein

A Machine To Life In

Very original to its form and content, this hybrid documentary illuminates the civilisation critical issues, from a political, social and psychological perspective.

With a starting point in a futuristic and state utopian city on virgin land, Brasilia in Brazil, the film emphasises the importance of the relation between human kind and architecture. But also beyond the limit of what can be perceived with the senses - that transcendental space where art, myths and cults occurs.

Visually seductive, with surreal images, this film creates strong emotions and touches the viewer deeply.

ArchFilmLund Prize 2020

for the best feature documentary goes to "Americaville", by Adam J. Smith (U.S.)

Annie Liu leaves Beijing in a slow motion to make her dream come true, to live another life, in the mountains located north of the capital. She stays in ”Wyoming town of Jackson”, a copy of an American town, where she attempts to fullfill her her desire for the American lifstyle, yet she finds it hard to adapt to this scenery of false idyll.

ArchFilm Lund wishes to award this film with our Best Feature Doc Prize for a fascinating account that gives us a snapshot from China. It depicts the human desire for coherency and how peculiar this dream can materialize.

ArchFilmLund Prize 2020

for the best short documentary goes to "Enter through the Balcony", by Roman Blazhan (Ukraine)

In this documentary short the Ukrainian makeshift balconies become the starting point for describing a person’s need to make your own place, or the place allotted to us, more personally designed with the means available.

The balcony will also be a zone outside the home but inside the street where deeply humane needs can be met such as light, air and contact with others.

ArchFilmLund wishes to award this film with the Best Doc prize for, in the least possible time, managing to explain the symbiosis between people and the built environment in an interdisciplinary method. The film highlights the rebelliousness of making private additions to the Post-Soviet architecture and lovingly gives a deeper understanding of culture and place through this small architectural form

ArchFilmLund special student prize 2020

goes to "Spaghetti and Ketchup" by Linn Assarsson & Astrid Persdotter

ArchFilmLund Prize 2019

for the best documentary film goes to

Film Director Žanete Skarule from Latvia

For her film ”Flying Monks Temple

Bilden kan innehålla: 1 person, står

A beautiful film that deals with the process of creating a monument and the encounters it entails on the way to its completion.

The film has an undertone of the conflict between the artist / architect's desire to create something with a higher meaning and the financier's commercial plans.

It is a beautiful depiction of the meeting between people from completely different worlds who carry out a vision together.

The film is visually razor-sharp and poetically performed where both shifts in climate and the emotions of individuals are described in a low-key but accurate manner.

Last but not least, we want to commend the excellent film photography.

Trailer here


October 21th 2019

ArchFilmLund Special Student Prize goes to

Nicholas Hartman,

Master Student at Lund School of Architecture

for the film

Bucharest in transformation

A brief comment on the city as an unlikely collage of elements.

A film with excellent editing and sound editing, Bucharest in transformation showcases a playfulness and an aesthetic look at the bizarre.

ArchFilmLund Prize 2018 

for the best documentary film goes to

Film Director François Xavier Destors from France

For his film ”Melting Souls”

For a story told with sensitivity about a city built in an area with unimaginably harsh environment, and where one of the world´s most horrendous eventstook place, focusing on its inhabitans who despite all difficulties and desire toleave, live a meaningful everyday life thanks to the community and artisticcreativity.



October 14th 2018

ArchFilmLund Prize 2017 for the best documentary

goes to film director Haruna Honcoop, from Prag, Tjecken, for the film "Built to Last". 60 min, 2017.

ArchFilmLund Prize 2017 for the young debuting filmmaker

goes to Emila Stålhammar och Veronica Pålsson from Malmö, Sweden, for the film "Cycologic". 15 min, 2017.

Peter Young fot the documentary film The Art of Recovery (90 min) New Zealand

Best short movie: Haruna Honcoop: Anatomy of a Place, Czechoslovakia, 7 min

Best fiction director: David Lynch

Best Documentary: Free spaces, Ina Ivanceanu Austria.

The ArchFilmLund Prize 2014, for the best documentary goes to:
Oeke Hoogendijk, and "The New Rijksmuseum", part I and I

The ArchFilmLund prize 2014, for the best visual effects goes to:
Kristoffer Rus, and "The Big Leap"

The ArchFilmLund Prize 2014, for the best architectural scenery in feature film goes to:
Karin Fahlén, and "Stockholm Stories".

Press release nominations 2014

The ArchFilmLund Prize 2013, for the best documentaries goes to:
Illa Bêka and Louise Lemoine, for the series "Living Architectures".

The ArchFilmLund Prize 2013, for the best architectural scenery in feature films goes to:
Roy Andersson

Press release nominations 2013

The ArchFilmLund Prize Guldbågen 2012 goes to:
film director Joshua Frankel, for his beautiful and sensitive way to point out the most important frights and issues of the future.

The ArchFilmLund Prize 2011, Guldbågen, for a best documentary about city/architecture goes to:
Polish Film Director Bartek Konopka and the film “Rabbit á la Berlin”.